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Prepping for Another Book Launch
Review of Launch by Jeff Walker
As I am working through the edits of my book the 7th Book of the Locket Saga: Two Rivers, I have been reading books to help me including the book Launch by Jeff Walker.
From Launch, I learned about various ways to launch a business. My business is writing books which is the product of my business that I am promoting.
The History of Self-Publishing
Too many writers write books as if they were writing as a hobby rather than as a business, or they write and then offer their work to a traditional publishing company like a used rug on an auction floor. Early on, I decided that I wouldn’t go the traditional author route, but would instead go the self-publishing route.
Back when I first started, self-publishing was considered something that losers did. Self-published books were inferior to traditionally published books. They were written poorly, edited poorly, and formatted poorly. Their cover photos were less than ideal.
Two things happened that began to provide positive changes for the author. The first was print-on-demand and the second was the eBook.
The one area where self-publishing still has a disadvantage to traditional publishing is in the area of marketing. We…