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Leveraging the Local Book Market
Taking advantage of low hanging fruit
So many people miss the low hanging fruit of the local market when it comes to marketing a book. Here is what I did to gear my marketing to the local book market.
Often, book marketing wasn’t as easy for me to do, but my book Oregon County, Wild and Scenic has been especially written for the local market. Because it is geared toward tourists visiting our county, I knew exactly where I needed to start my marketing.
Began Early Marketing
The marketing began long before the book was published. It started last year when we were talking about getting ready for the eclipse on April 8. I started with research to see if certain locals were interested in the book. They were. They indicated that not only was there a market, but that there was a need for this type of book in this area. I had a ready market for the book. I just had to write it.
Writing Oregon County, Wild and Scenic was, I believe, the easy part. I knew the topic well enough that I knew exactly what I had to research before writing the book. Oregon County was one of the easiest books I have written.
Get Publicity
Now that the book has been written and published, I have started the book marketing…