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How Valuable are Your Relationships?
Creating a habit of nurturing important relationships.
Every year in January, I like to step back and evaluate different aspects of my life and reflect on what’s working and what I’d like to change. One aspect that I would like to change has to do with my relationships. I wanted to focus on spending more time on the relationships that I value and let go of those that only seem to steal my energy. Here’s what I’ve done so far this year.
My Most Valuable Relationships
Sunday, I spent time with each of my adult children. My eldest son brought his girlfriend, her daughter, and his daughter to visit my husband and me. It was the first time I had ever met my twenty-month-old granddaughter. (We had just learned of her existence). We had a wonderful time together.
Afterwards, I decided to connect with my other two children by text so that they could connect with me whenever they had a few minutes. I was holding a conversation with my daughter while at the same time I talked with my other son about other topics.
As I sit here writing about this, I think about how beneficial technology was for communication with those two children that live over one hundred miles away. My daughter talked a beaver ornament that I received on a trip that we had both been on, but she…