Member-only story
February Gardening
What can we do even though it’s not time to plant outdoors?
Can you believe that February is over half over? Many people in the Northern Hemisphere are looking out at the winter weather hoping for an early spring. Others, like me, have already started the 2024 gardening season. February is when we start gardening here, but not outdoors. We are starting in our grow tent now.
What We’ve Done So Far
Here at our place, the onions and the herbs that I planted are now up and growing in our grow tent that is set up in our pantry. Since I planted the onions and those herbs, I planted more herbs and brassicas which are also now coming up. This past week, I planted hot and sweet peppers along with eggplants.
We have a pile of wood ashes and charcoal that we will soon be sifting through so that we can inoculate the charcoal into biochar. Our compost is in process with our chickens doing the turning for us.
More to Do in March
On the first of March, we will be planting tomatoes. This year we’re not planting any cherry tomatoes. We plan to plant tomatoes for slicing and paste tomatoes. The tomatoes for slicing will be Cherokee Purples and Beef Steak. The paste tomatoes will be Amish paste.