Don’t Give Up on Your Goals

Success lessons I learned from my son

Donna Brown
4 min readSep 28, 2022
Just because it seems impossible, doesn’t make it so! Photo by Razvan Chisu on Unsplash

My younger son just turned 31 this past year. He makes over three times more than I ever did and will soon be marrying a girl that I believe is his perfect mate. Here are some things that I learned from him about successfully achieving goals.

He is Friendly

First, JR (not his real name) has been amiable all his life. He learned how to make friends and influence people long before he ever read Carnegie’s book. I believe he chose the day he was born to a low-income single mother. He was born at home, and we didn’t have air conditioning, but even though the summer he was born was hot, he chose the coolest day that summer for his arrival into this world. He may have started at the bottom, but he never let it be an excuse to stay there.

He has Always had Goals

He had goals from the time that he was very young. When he was three, he wanted to go to college and live in a big city. He even wrote a book that won a price when he was in grade school about moving to the city. He’s done both. He has a master’s degree and has lived in the Washington DC area. He knew that he wanted to make a lot more money than I ever did, so he set about making a good life for himself.

Prioritizes His…



Donna Brown

Gardener, homesteader, chicken farmer, teacher, and Author of The Locket Saga, a fictional American Historical Family and the Perpetual Homesteader Blog https:/